Youtopia is dedicated to the proposition that our…
009 Yellow Journalism, Yellow Journalists
I’m not sure what the presidential debates are revealing more, the sorry state of U.S. politics or the even sorrier state of journalism. I have already devoted two previous blogs as well as a chapter or two in my book Youtopia to the utter absurdity of the corporate news, in 002 … [Read more...] about 009 Yellow Journalism, Yellow Journalists
008 Rule by Fools
Throughout history and mythology are accounts of cataclysmic events on such a scale as to wipe out most all of humanity. These terrestrial upheavals traditionally follow ever descending stages of corruption by the ruling class and their apathetic, easily distracted denizens. Noah was able to save … [Read more...] about 008 Rule by Fools
007 Critical Mass
007 Critical Mass crit′ical mass′n. the amount of a given fissionable material necessary to sustain a chain reaction. an amount necessary or sufficient to have a significant effect or to achieve a result. Is 2016 the year of global financial collapse? Astute political … [Read more...] about 007 Critical Mass
006 Larry Silverstein’s Deadly Dust
The good news is that on December 9th, the House and Senate both finally voted to extend the Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act giving health coverage to first responders and others afflicted with respiratory illnesses from the toxic air on September 11, 2001. The asbestos–laden air … [Read more...] about 006 Larry Silverstein’s Deadly Dust
005 CIA’s Mockingbird News Network
The monolithic mainstream media does a fairly good job covering weather, sports and local news, however, the cable news stations and big three networks are increasingly viewed as pathetic propagandists whether you line up on the left or right of the carefully constructed divide and conquer … [Read more...] about 005 CIA’s Mockingbird News Network
004 Crude Oilmen in Syria: Murdoch, Rothschild and Cheney
With so many people obtaining their “news” from mainstream media is there any wonder few people know that Fox’s Rupert Murdoch is a business partner with Lord Jacob Rothschild and Dick Cheney in a shale oil venture in the Golan Heights, i.e., Syria, captured by Israel during the Six-Days War of … [Read more...] about 004 Crude Oilmen in Syria: Murdoch, Rothschild and Cheney
003 A New Pearl Harbor
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was correct in his address to the nation, to the world, the day after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941––a date which will live in infamy––the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval … [Read more...] about 003 A New Pearl Harbor
002 Mendacious Media
By Lee Anderson Ironically, thanks to the public’s financing of all things military, including Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the internet was created and the Genie is out of the bottle. People no longer have only the controlled corporate media to source information. Alas, … [Read more...] about 002 Mendacious Media
001 Welcome to Youtopia
Thank you for stopping by and checking out Youtopia. Curiosity is a good thing and I hope you are able to find good information and are stimulated enough to add your own observations and analysis on any number of subjects. I appreciate your interest in Youtopia and participation in the blogs. The … [Read more...] about 001 Welcome to Youtopia