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029 MSNBC: Wall Street’s Very Own CABAL Channel
Plutocrats Serving Oligarchy And we thought FOX News was bad, ok, it is bad; that stays the same. Better to say, and we thought MSNBC was the antidote to FOX News. As of this election season it clearly is not. When people are chastised by party pundits for daring to suggest there is not much … [Read more...] about 029 MSNBC: Wall Street’s Very Own CABAL Channel
027 Dare to Debate
The solution to our free fall into dystopia is to force open public debates and stop listening to biased political, pundits and their incessant neo-liberal preaching. Problem, Reaction, Solution Problem I wonder if someday in the future, long after people will have learned how essential … [Read more...] about 027 Dare to Debate
025 Seizing the Commons Part 2: Public Media
A picture tells the thousand words the U.S. mainstream does not tell. Syria is about pipelines and Rothschild, Murdoch, Cheney and other Globalist Warmongering Elites fracking in Syria's occupied Golan Heights. I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time—when the … [Read more...] about 025 Seizing the Commons Part 2: Public Media
024 Seizing the Commons Part 1: Public Banks, Organic Economics
Temple of Tyranny, Goldman Sachs Intergalactic Headquarters "Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them."—Albert Einstein Of course he’s right again. We need to move away from complaining about our ultra-corrupt financial/political system that some still refer to as … [Read more...] about 024 Seizing the Commons Part 1: Public Banks, Organic Economics
023 Oroville Dam and America’s Infrastructure, Collateral Damage of Massive Military Spending
The warnings went unheeded, California's Oroville Dam threatens thousands flee There’s a finite amount of money available, and an infinite amount of infrastructure projects that desperately need funding. As we now know, the under-engineered Oroville Dam spillway reached near-catastrophe this last … [Read more...] about 023 Oroville Dam and America’s Infrastructure, Collateral Damage of Massive Military Spending
022 Trump and the Military-Security-Currency-Complex
Storm Clouds gathering over Mordor I know people are getting weary of all the political and cultural fighting, but now is not the time to fail in our civic duty to research, understand and act on the deadly agenda of the deep state, which was set up by banksters many years ago. They are … [Read more...] about 022 Trump and the Military-Security-Currency-Complex
020 War Drums Pounding Louder and Louder
Nuclear War, Coming to a City Near You! I don’t mean to sound alarmist folks, but we are headed for war, not just another CIA induced asymmetrical drawn-out geostrategic war in the Middle East for control of oil fields and pipeline routes, as bloody and insane as those regional wars are, but the … [Read more...] about 020 War Drums Pounding Louder and Louder
019 Programmed People are the Problem
A well informed citizenry is the best defense against tyranny--Thomas Jefferson So true, yet in the age of instant information somehow the citizenry is more confused than ever, and indeed, we do seem to be sliding into some degree of totalitarianism—political, military, corporate fascism, all … [Read more...] about 019 Programmed People are the Problem
018 The Speck in Obama’s Eye, the Plank in Bush’s
See you Obama, you're no MLK, but you're no GWB either Barak Obama’s eight years is just about over and a lot of conservative and progressive writers and pundits are busy evaluating his performance and attempting to beat each other in defining his legacy. While many on the conservative side rabidly … [Read more...] about 018 The Speck in Obama’s Eye, the Plank in Bush’s
017 CIA’s Mockingbird Media Proclaims CIA “Intelligence” is Infallible
There are a lot of genuine reasons the mendacious media are pining for war with Russia and possibly China, least of them is the bogus claim that Putin and Russia interfered with the US election. That fable is a smokescreen generated by the so-called “intelligence agencies” and fed to the … [Read more...] about 017 CIA’s Mockingbird Media Proclaims CIA “Intelligence” is Infallible