Youtopia is dedicated to the proposition that our…
001 Welcome to Youtopia

Thank you for stopping by and checking out Youtopia. Curiosity is a good thing and I hope you are able to find good information and are stimulated enough to add your own observations and analysis on any number of subjects. I appreciate your interest in Youtopia and participation in the blogs.
The essential motivations for writing Youtopia and starting this website can be found in the Mission Statement, but I wish to expand on those motivations a bit more with my first blog post. I acknowledge there are many good websites where important topics are introduced and debated. Over the years I have settled on a few favorite websites where I feel I’ve found the most informed perspectives and clarity in writing by people promoting egalitarianism and concerned about social justice. However, there always seems to be something missing, perhaps it’s a coherent understanding of the power structure itself and what to do about the diabolical financial masters who control their respective governments. It’s as if there is an inferred understanding by academic writers and ordained journalists that it is okay to beat up on the global masters’ front men and women, the politicians, but dare not look too closely and expose the financial machine that produces and controls the politicians lest one be stigmatized a “conspiracy theorist.” Yet, who stands to gain the most by discouraging investigations and reporting on the various interlocked global financial and corporate entities and discovering their common objectives: more power, more money, and their woeful byproducts: war, debt, malnutrition and environmental collapse? That would be the conspirators, of course.
On the other hand there are plenty of websites devoted to overly simplified conspiracy theories where the authors’ have decided a particular group is responsible for the world’s woes. These sites can reveal previously unknown and accurate reports on political and financial intrigue, but too often they reveal an unsophisticated ideology as they attempt to lay the blame on one group or more, i.e., Jews, Catholics, Jesuits, Zionists, liberals, conservatives, socialists, fascists, Muslims, Freemasons, Christians, atheists, Illuminati, et al. The problems with these jingoistic oversimplifications are too numerous to list and ignores the biggest culprit of all, the human condition of fear and the paralyzing effects of apathy. In Youtopia I certainly include information and analysis about all those tribes above and more, but I urge you to keep in mind it is through the management and marketing of fear by our political, corporate and media “leaders,” and apathy by individuals who don’t think they are important enough to matter that creates a fertile environment for corruption. The essence of thought in Youtopia is that you do matter, that you are smart enough to see through the ruse of the corporate media, phony patriotism, institutionalized religions and top down economics.
The late Michael Ruppert, author of Crossing the Rubicon, and host of “From the Wilderness” website, made the analogy that the global leaders, the Cabal, the international banksters, fill in the blank, are like mobsters playing a game of poker. “One of them will occasionally pull out a gun and shoot another one, but they all agree to maintain the game.”
With Youtopia, I wish not to add to the confusion but will strive to add clarity and understanding. I am human and so I am certain there are mistakes in my book and will be in my blog posts, I welcome temperate corrections and clarifications, which brings us to an informal code of conduct for blog posting. Please strive to keep comments and debates focused on the subject matter, and do not be tempted to attack the messenger. As host I will do my best to screen out inappropriate personal comments in order to advance the understanding of the topic.
Finally, I wanted visitors to this website to take a minute and view the images in the slide show on the home page. I have interspersed images of utopian–like earthly settings with images of the unfathomable wonders of the universe. I hope everybody will allow themselves the freedom of thought and hope of heart to envision that we can transform this amazing sphere called earth from its current dystopian trajectory into a utopian paradise. While that may sound naïve, it is a worthy goal to strive for.

Lee is an author who lives with his wife and near his children and grandchildren in the Pacific Northwest, draws substance from a rather unique chapter in his lifestyle, raising a family in a remote wilderness valley in north central British Columbia. ( Find Out More >>
Just bought myself a copy & very intrigued to get reading!
Just got started reading and looking forward to discussion. I have found it to be thought provoking and worth further investigation.
I purchased the book and find it fascinating. I particularly enjoy the story line reference to the author’s previous life; clearly his experiences in Industry have inspired this work! A fantastic read!
Hey MDD and JWL, have you thought about a Gravatar?
What little I read here sounds like a must read for me—–hard to find material these days (for me anyway) like this. I cannot recall where I read about it. I scan through so many things in search for an upbeat aspect of things I see manifesting around me.
Not certain if my previous, and longer, comment was actually sent. So, BRIEFLY, please see (or, Google) = American Monetary Institute, or “The Lost Science of Money” by —Stephen Zarlenga If Ellen Brown was my “grade school” teacher —–Mr Zarlenga is my “University professor” – his rather large book is REMARKABLE!!
I found this piece from “The Controversy of Zion”, by Douglas Reed most interesting, as it seems to reflect the current situation in western world politics:
Excerpt from “The Controversy of Zion”, by Douglas Reed (circa 1960s)
Deuteronomy is to formal Judaism and Zionism what the Communist Manifesto was to the destructive revolution of our century (20th). It is the basis of the Torah (“the Law”) contained in the Pentateuch, which itself forms the raw material of the Talmud, which again gave birth to those “commentaries” and commentaries-on-commentaries which together constitute the Judaic “law”.
Religious intolerance is the basis of this “Second Law” (racial intolerance was to follow later, in another “New Law”) and murder in the name of religion is its distinctive tenet. This necessitates the destruction of the moral Commandments, which in fact are set up to be knocked down. Only those of them which relate to the exclusive worship of the “jealous” Jehovah are left intact. The others are buried beneath a great mound of “statutes and judgments” (regulations issued under a governing Law, as it were) which in effect cancel them.
Thus the moral commandments against murder, stealing, adultery, coveting, bad neighbourliness, and the like are vitiated by a mass of “statutes” expressly enjoining the massacre of other peoples, the murder of apostates individually or in communities, the taking of concubines from among women captives, “utter destruction” that leaves “nothing alive”, the exclusion of “the stranger” from debt-remission and the like.
By the time the end of Deuteronomy is reached the moral commandments have been nullified in this way, for the purpose of setting up, in the guise of a religion, the grandiose political idea of a people especially sent into the world to destroy and “possess” other peoples and to rule the earth. The idea of destruction is essential to Deuteronomy. If it be taken away no Deuteronomy, or Mosaic Law, remains.
This concept of destruction as an article of faith is unique, and where it occurs in political thought (for instance, in the Communist philosophy) may also derive originally from the teaching of Deuteronomy, for there is no other discoverable source.
Deuteronomy is above all a complete political programme: the story of the planet, created by Jehovah for this “special people”, is to be completed by their triumph and the ruination of all others. The rewards offered to the faithful are exclusively material: slaughter, slaves, women, booty, territory, empire. The only condition laid down for these rewards is observance of “the statutes and judgments”, which primarily command the destruction of others. The only guilt defined lies is non-observance of these laws. Intolerance is specified as observance; tolerance as non-observance, and therefore as guilt. The punishments prescribed are of this world and of the flesh, not of the spirit. Moral behaviour, if ever demanded, is required only towards co-religionists and “strangers” are excluded from it.
This unique form of nationalism was first presented to the Judahites in Deuteronomy as “the Law” of
Jehovah and as his literal word, spoken to Moses. The notion of world domination through destruction is
introduced at the start (chapter 2) of these “speeches supposed to have been delivered” by the dying Moses.
“The Lord spake unto me, saying. . . This day will I begin to put the dread of thee and the fear of thee upon the nations that are under the whole heaven, who shall hear report of thee, and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of thee”. In token of this, the fate of two nations is at once shown. The King of Sihon and the King of Bashan “came out against us, he and all his people”, whereon they were “utterly destroyed, the men, and the women, and the little ones”, only the cattle being spared and “the spoil” being taken “for a prey unto ourselves”. (The insistence on utter destruction is a recurrent and significant feature of these illustrative anecdotes
Can I purchase a paper book copy?
Not at this time. I plan on writing a condensed version of Youtopia and publishing it to both electronic and book formats. Thanks for asking.