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007 Critical Mass

007 Critical Mass
crit′ical mass′n.
- the amount of a given fissionable material necessary to sustain a chain reaction.
- an amount necessary or sufficient to have a significant effect or to achieve a result.
Is 2016 the year of global financial collapse? Astute political observer Thom Hartmann released a book in 2013 titled The Crash of 2016 suggesting not only is financial calamity a high probability, but that it will be much worse than the bankster induced crashes of 2008 and even 1929! Most economic indicators are falling in line with his predication as well. Hartmann is no prophet, many economists are shouting the same warning: our money is fast approaching worthlessness something akin to the Weimer Republic in Germany that saw the population become so desperate for change a man named Hitler started to sound reasonable. Preppers are preparing for the civil unrest that will ensue, gun sales are brisk and water purifiers are not just for backpackers anymore.
Is 2016 the year that US, British, Western Europe, Saudi Arabia and Israeli imperialistic ambitions stretch too far and trigger World War III? The Ukraine/Crimea conflict of February 2014, and then the Turkish shooting down of a Russian fighter jet in November shows how easily proxy wars can turn into World Wars. In Today’s Financial Times of London, the top headline is “Russia sees NATO as threat to security.” China and Russia are developing weapons, jets, aircraft carriers, missiles that rival or may even exceed the performance potential of NATO’s best weapons systems. It should surprise no one that the immense military budget of the US war machine doesn’t necessarily translate to superior systems, think F–35, F–22 and $1,000 hammers purchased by the Pentagon. Think Donald Rumsfeld’s lament that the Pentagon lost or cannot account for $2.3 trillion. He made this announcement on September 10, 2001 and the next day the accounting wing of the Pentagon was destroyed.
So public spending on defense doesn’t necessarily translate to increased security, in fact our dubious incursions into Middle East theocratic quagmires have made us decidedly less secure. Other than Rand Paul, the rest of the republican candidates posture each and every debate to see who is going to talk the toughest to Putin and China, meanwhile, Hillary Clinton insists the US needs to establish a NO FLY ZONE over Syria; so there really is continuity of bankster–controlled government with either party of the duopoly. This is why Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders are given almost zero coverage from the bankster–owned media, not only because their similar non–interventionist foreign policies run counter to war profiteering, but each are anti–too–big-to-fail banks and site the Federal Reserve as the hinge pin of bankster/Wall Street corruption. War is profit and the people who instigate war for profit are the very last people on earth who will have to actually risk a hair fighting it. Nevertheless, the consumer zombies get their information from the banksters’ media so it all seems legit. These people need to get up to speed.
How close we are to achieving a critical mass of public disillusionment with the malicious financial oligarchy that is relentlessly provoking wars, plummeting our living standards and squandering our precious time on earth with debt servitude is hard to gauge with any degree of accuracy, but I do see an improvement in the number of people actually giving a damn about things i.e., about the sorry state of politics, perpetual debt, war profiteering; about diminishing quality of life issues such as stagnant wages vs. escalating cost of living, tuition, exorbitant health costs, widespread poverty in the land of plenty and wretched homelessness.

2015 Hottest Year Ever Recorded
Not least of our travails, we are living through an epoch of environmental capitulation that manifests as disaster episodes on our TV screens almost nightly. Nature seems to be out of balance and people can’t agree why, but it’s impossible to disregard the increasing wrath of nature ravaging the earth with wind, water and fire. People die, homes burn, communities and families are devastated. Apparently, some people with gold in their eyes seem to think a complete environmental collapse is preferable to financial stagnation.
This would be sad if not for the fact that so many of these people are in the highest stations of authority in the land, it is, rather, diabolical. The unfathomable consequences of living in a dysfunctional ecosystem are becoming too stark to ignore. People, who do give a damn are freaking out about the masses of consumer zombies who still don’t get it. They don’t understand that malicious actions by a handful of global elite are plunging humanity into ever spiraling depths of inequality, despair and hopelessness, and what they really don’t get is that they are contributing to their own debt enslavement by their own inaction.
Apathy supports the status quo
It might normally be sufficient to let the consumer zombies walk about harmlessly in their smartphone distracted wanderings if not for their easily exploitable group think nature. The consumer zombies tend to follow wherever the media leads them, they adopt a if everyone else likes it it must be good stupor and off they go to their cubicles plugging the freeways morning and night wondering, while inching along in stop and go traffic, how did life become so pointless? Their frustration with the system and desire for distraction too often leads to junk food, pharmaceutical and alcohol addictions, stupid shows on TV and possibly thermonuclear war.
We have a consumer culture i.e., we are treated as consumers in an economy and not as citizens in a society, all because we allow a financial system that rewards corruption and parasitical exploitation of working people; the unelected oligarchs horde and control the real tangible values working people create and they maintain this control over the people by maintaining control over politics and media. I call it parasitical capitalism, others call it predatory capitalism, others, unregulated capitalism. It certainly is not benevolent capitalism. The result is akin to Las Vegas gambling––casino economics. The insidious fraud and corruption within the financial sector is not only staggering, but is becoming so stark that it is finally gaining recognition as the root cause of the rapid decline of opportunity and civility within the USA and elsewhere. According to the new movie, The Big Short, even some Wall Street traders think “It’s shit, the entire system is pure bullshit.”
In the movie, The Big Short, the reality-based account of the housing bubble/bank crash of 2008, we are reminded of the arrogance, ignorance and blind greed of the Wall Street crowd and how little regard the money changers have for the public.

Jesus cleansing the temple of the Federal Reserve
So we’re back to the big question, how close is the public at large to achieving a critical mass of awareness of the institutionalized corruption of a political/legal system wholly dominated by the largest global banks serving the interests of the already rich?
Let’s ask a related question, what would it take to achieve a critical mass of awareness? The global elite are fond of creating catalyzing and catastrophic events, maybe something on the scale of a New Pearl Harbor, in order to galvanize public opinion in the direction they desire, you know I’m talking about fear-inducing false flag events. Since the shock and awe method works so well why don’t we wake up the consumer zombies in a similar fashion, give them a shock and awe event that shows how corrupt, how devious and how totally bullshit the system is. We would only have to somehow gain access to one of the major cable or network time slots for six hours, one showing or three nights, and show the entire documentary below, considered to be the masterpiece of all 9/11 documentaries. Or, send this documentary all around the internet, make it go viral. The only way we can galvanize the consumer zombies is for them to see the total bullshit of the entire system, a system that decidedly overreached in their pursuit of profit at any cost when they staged the mother of all false flag events–an event that is still reverberating in global conflicts today and may reach critical mass!
This documentary is a catalyzing and galvanizing event, guaranteed to raise public awareness and spur action for real change.

Lee is an author who lives with his wife and near his children and grandchildren in the Pacific Northwest, draws substance from a rather unique chapter in his lifestyle, raising a family in a remote wilderness valley in north central British Columbia. ( Find Out More >>
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