Youtopia is dedicated to the proposition that our…
Money Changers
012 A Good 9/11 Question for Donald Trump and the Mendacious Media
Bob McIlvaine, a former history teacher from Oreland, PA, lost his son, Robert McIlvaine, Jr. at the World Trade Center’s North Tower on September 11, 2001. From the evidence that Bob has gathered, it is apparent his son was killed by an explosion, likely in the lobby. Why, oh why, is the media so … [Read more...] about 012 A Good 9/11 Question for Donald Trump and the Mendacious Media
011 Bernie and No Bank!
Some of you may recognize the title as a take on Andrew Jackson’s second presidential campaign slogan Jackson and No Bank! When Andrew Jackson came into office for his first term in 1828, the Second Bank of the United States, under director Nicholas Biddle, was pursuing a re-charter and … [Read more...] about 011 Bernie and No Bank!
010 Yellow Journalists and the Great Debate
In the companion article to this one, Yellow Journalism, I introduced readers to the origins of the term yellow journalism, sensationalized news reporting from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, primarily designed to foment wars and sell newspapers. Other than protocols of grammar, … [Read more...] about 010 Yellow Journalists and the Great Debate
009 Yellow Journalism, Yellow Journalists
I’m not sure what the presidential debates are revealing more, the sorry state of U.S. politics or the even sorrier state of journalism. I have already devoted two previous blogs as well as a chapter or two in my book Youtopia to the utter absurdity of the corporate news, in 002 … [Read more...] about 009 Yellow Journalism, Yellow Journalists
007 Critical Mass
007 Critical Mass crit′ical mass′n. the amount of a given fissionable material necessary to sustain a chain reaction. an amount necessary or sufficient to have a significant effect or to achieve a result. Is 2016 the year of global financial collapse? Astute political … [Read more...] about 007 Critical Mass