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016 An Alien Perspective on Terrestrial Values
They’re coming to take us away, ha ha
In the last blog I advanced the idea that despite all the religious posturing we’ve been subjected to since birth, the religion most people actually practice and dwell upon is materialism, an ego-centric outlook as opposed to spiritualism, the understanding that it’s a big universe and we are all in it together. The former stresses competition, the latter stresses cooperation—not that all competition is bad, but it has its time and place.
An alien perspective was necessary just to show us how myopic we really are, how we earthly humans have not advanced our collective consciousness enough to even consider the possibility of a universe teeming with intelligent life and how we might fit in, why we are not invited to join the cosmic collective.
We’ve had SETI, Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence for years, but we have not had any public discussions about whether it is wise to develop the physical means which would enable us to travel to other planets, other civilizations before we advance enough to become a benevolent civilization, and not a cancer feeding off conspicuous consumerism and exploitation. Talking about visiting and even settling on other planets is putting the proverbial cart before the horse. We are a warlike civilization, we kill for resources, for money, for power for the religion of materialism. As a planetary civilization, we need to develop the spiritual maturity required by the universe or we stay put and watch our planet die right out from under us—which is nature: parasites, without intervention, most always kill the host upon which they feed.
Perhaps the universe is programmed to accept earthly humans into the greater civilizations only after humans learn to save their own planet first. But that would take cooperation, and our planet runs on financial competition. It will take a complete remake of our financial systems before we ever have a hope of saving the planet from ourselves.
For example, we now know Columbus’ voyage was both to explore and exploit, when the natives in the Caribbean were not able to produce the gold and silver Columbus lusted after, he cut off their hands as incentive to try harder, when that didn’t produce gold, he brought the natives back to Spain as slaves, those that didn’t make it were tossed overboard.
That’s the kind of intergalactic exploitation the universe doesn’t need and won’t accept. Columbus’ mission was sanctioned and financed by Catholic Monarchs, Rulers of Spain: King Ferdinand of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile, not to discover new land, not to prove the world was a sphere, but to seek out new trading routes to India and the Orient, as well as to search for gold, silver and jewels. The same King and Queen launched the Spanish Inquisition in 1478.
Once we understand our earthly materialistic religion in large part produces our earthly values, and our earthly values too often materialize into death and exploitation, then perhaps, we can start to reevaluate our values. We will have to shift the human paradigm from one where success is measured in quantity of money to one where success is based on quality of life.
An alien with no dog in the fight can simply observe our planet, our behavior and make assumptions and projections based on those observations with no terrestrial confirmation biases or ideologies to defend. I believe the first thing the anthropologist alien would notice is that planet earth has become decadent, the oceans are dying from pollution and global warming, the forests have succumbed either to overharvesting and beetle infestations. They would notice that earth’s denizens seem to have developed a strangely perverse value system where hording and ostentatious displays of financial wealth co-exist while literally billions of humans live in abject poverty, tortured by incessant longing for the most basic human needs, food, water and shelter. They would know our leaders are compromised by their terrestrial religion–materialism, which mires them in evolutionary stagnation.
To take this alien intervention a bit further, we might consider our planet continuing on its current death spiral, we might consider the tale of Noah and how God was so displeased with all of humanity that God felt it necessary to purge the planet of the parasitic entities that grew just intelligent enough to be shrewd, cunning and predatory, but not wise in the way of the universe. Not saying Noah is literal, you may accept the tale as you wish, but it serves as a good example to use for our alien observers.
For sake of argument, let’s imagine the earthly pandemic of financial parasites finally forces the natural earth into biological capitulation, rather than replay Mad Max scenarios, or other apocalyptic survival of the meanest nightmares, let’s consider a new planet since there are so many available—most likely. We will travel from a decadent planet, overrun with vitality sucking parasites, to a new planet, so far un-besmirched by human ambition.
What sort of people from earth might an alien Noah choose to re-settle to a new planet? We only need to look back at our own history to get a clue. People slowly moved away from hunter/gatherers and began aggregating around agriculture. Eventually this more reliable food source brought people together into ever larger clusters and this created new problems, how to get water to a community, how to remove waste, how to grow enough crops, how to manage nearby natural resources such as wood for heat and cooking?
People thought their way through these challenges, math slowly developed, geometry and trigonometry allowed aqueducts for fresh water and sanitary sewer systems to be built. Cities and city-states sprang up, eventually millennia passed and those cities lost track of who and what was responsible for those great achievements, of course the politicians and bankers claimed it was they who were indispensable, not working people, not science, not math.
A new world is a world of promise and unlimited growth, a world which exalts science, engineering and wise council of human society. It is much easier and efficient to simply state that many professions and disciplines of today would be welcome on a new planet, especially engineers, botanists, farmers, homesteaders, homemakers, laborers and so on.
Yet most assuredly the professions that pay the most on this decadent planet would not be viewed as worthwhile on a new planet. It’s hard to imagine the worth, the value of a hedge fund manager on a new world, a trader in futures, an insurance salesman, risk management consultant, an insurance underwriter, a default swap trader, a programmer for high frequency trading machines, media moguls, media pundits, public relations experts, arms brokers, security companies. All the professions that support the ultra-corrupt banking systems are parasitic in nature and are repulsed by the universe.
The reason our alien interloper has declared this planet decadent, isn’t just because of the biological crisis, but because the alien can see the rulers of this planet are actually quite stupid, clever maybe, but as for seeing the big picture, the universal connections that must be respected, they are idiot sociopaths.
Money people, especially successive generations of inherited wealth have lost their ability to problem solve. A bottomless credit card ensures easy solutions to problems, but does not develop problem solving skills–on the contrary. When we watch the network and cable news shows we are watching generations of privilege, people of inherited wealth asking other people of inherited wealth to support, by varying narratives, the self-granted privilege of creating money as debt, insuring the cabal of central banks’ own growing wealth while diminishing the power of the dollar with each new issuance of debt-based money. This is a sure sign of decadence, not that the banksters are slimy enough to try such audacious theft, but that the citizens of a “free” country allow themselves to be ruled by such destructive parasites.
The pundits face the challenge of supporting this corrupt system, and therefore their own empires, while pretending to actually understand the struggles of working people and feigning empathy for them, for us. We’re not buying it, not anymore. The system isn’t broken, the system was always broken, the reality of why today is different is the system, the cabal, the government, the shadow government, the oligarch, etc., is not trusted and is therefore becoming irrelevant. This is what is creating the near panic state seen in today’s mendacious media. The cabal needs a war to hide behind and Russia is the new boogeyman.
The minute the system’s money is also not trusted is the minute of global economic collapse, which is both good and bad. Since I suspect we have reached consensus the system is broken, unsustainable, geologically destructive, biased towards the rich, etc., economic collapse is good in that it will usher in dramatic change. Bad in that we have no plan as to what that economic power vacuum will be filled with, and no alternative, altruistic, value-based money system (that actually resembles barter) yet to be created and owned by We the People. I suggest looking at Ellen Brown’s huge contribution on this subject here.
The mendacious media has a perpetual paradox: how are we going to promote neoliberal economic policies and inflict them on the public while the very reactions to that top down, winner take all system, is that average productive Joe and Jane America are diminished in their buying power, incrementally, but incessantly to the point where economic viability is stifled?
Financial terrorists, i.e., banksters, i.e., parasites, are a bigger threat to quality of life as they have used their mendacious media to redirect values away from small farm natural lifestyles that sustained the first great collapse of 1929, only this time there are very few small farms and very many subdivisions with large homes on small tracts, that eat huge amounts of natural resources to build and to heat and cool. The bankster parasites have put most all of civilization into a predicament of being dependent on a system that is inherently unsustainable. That is dangerous living, wholly dependent on faith in a system that will ultimately let everyone down mainly because it is based on the Ponzi scheme of the Federal Reserve and now there is a movement to at least audit it.
In the end, I believe the alien anthropologist would declare us a parasitic species killing off a perfectly good planet and base that on our values, and base our values on our terrestrial, egocentric religion of materialism, oh wait, that movie was already made. . .
Lee is an author who lives with his wife and near his children and grandchildren in the Pacific Northwest, draws substance from a rather unique chapter in his lifestyle, raising a family in a remote wilderness valley in north central British Columbia. ( Find Out More >>
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