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014 Why the Democrats Lost . . . Their Way
Democratic Headquarters or a Rothschild Mansion?
Last Tuesday’s election results shocked the winners almost as much as the losers. I hope you’ve discerned the problem in America just from that opening sentence. America is one country, not two, yet so many people have allowed special interests and their propaganda outlets, i.e., media, to divide and conquer Americans, setting people up against each other within a duopoly-only system. Too many people have been tricked into thinking they have to pick a team and root for Team Republican or Team Democratic, and in aligning themselves with a team, they too often cheer the good positions of their party while refusing to acknowledge the bad positions of their party, and outright ignore the blatant conflicts of interests, i.e., pay-to-play, quid pro quo of OUR Representatives. What’s worse by far, the duopoly system relegates all other parties, positions and points of view to footnotes and faint bawling from the wilderness of rational thought. So in some cases, winning is losing. . . .
Republicans pound the war drums much louder, with more conviction and honesty in their lust for pillage and profit. The democrats, on the other hand, protest mightily the raw, brutal ambition and winner-take-all philosophy of the republicans, yet, somehow, seem to always cave in and sign on for wars of profit. Eight years with a democratic president and where’s the green revolution, where’s the investigations into the trillions missing from the Pentagon budget? Where’s the prosecutions of the Bush Administration and their lying us into wars, why did no banksters go to jail while millions lost their homes?
Bernie didn’t vote for war, Hillary did, the Middle East invasions have destroyed almost a million people and shattered as many homes. The chaos created a power vacuum that was filled by tribal warriors who rally against the Neo-Roman/British/Swiss Financial Empire. I do realize it’s marketed as Muslims hate Christians, but consider the Crusades and Inquisitions, don’t they have a right to be a bit uncertain about Christianity, especially when it is overmixed with predatory capitalism?
Real progressives, such as Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein would never have led us to war, we wouldn’t have the bloodbath in the Middle East if people would simply vote progressive and quite confusing democrats with progressives. Progressives believe in progress, progress is no more wars, a green energy revolution, single-payer health insurance, secure social safety net, universal civil rights, infrastructure jobs, education, debt free college, etc.
The reason the republicans have won the Whitehouse, Senate, held onto the House of Representatives and will appoint the next Supreme Court Justice is primarily because democrats, from politicians, to the media pundits, to the nightly comedians, who sorta lean left, all were so quick to pull the rug out from under Bernie Sanders. They first gently asked him to gracefully bow out and when he became ever more popular, when the Bernie crowds were growing beyond belief, when all the polls showed him beating Trump in a general election, Hillary, “not so much,” even when a little birdie landed on his lectern and Bernie smiled gently, in awe of the moment, and we all knew it was a sign from the Heavens that God wanted Bernie to win, it was about then when the democratic establishment and the multi-million dollar nightly jesters threw the Bernie movement, our movement, under the elitist democratic bus.
This is not new, they warned us never again vote third party, after all, it was Nader who ruined America because he allegedly stole votes from Al Gore in the Gore v Bush SCOTUS selection process of 2000. Then the allegedly democratic leaning network, MSNBC would not allow progressive Dennis Kucinich to debate in the primaries in Las Vegas, in the shadow of Yucca Mountain nuclear repository, mainly because Kucinich was anti-nuclear, anti-nuclear waste, he was also a much better PROGRESSIVE candidate than either Hillary or Obama, but MSNBC was then owned by GE, a company that brings good things to light and things that resist empire to death.
GE makes the Vulcan rotary cannons in the front of the A-10 Warthog Jet and various other implements of war, like depleted uranium military rounds that leave dirty nuclear contamination and horrible consequences, in places deemed by Cheney to be the third largest oil deposit in the world. Coincidence a country with that much oil also was suspected of having weapons of mass destruction. If they didn’t they do now. GE had another brilliant idea, how to get rid of all this dirty uranium their plants are producing, make artillery rounds out of it, and instead of paying a small fortune to secure this stuff, sell it at an exorbitant price to the stupid taxpayers, i.e., US government, in their eyes, and there you have a prime example of how corporations are expert at insourcing profit while outsourcing expense. The little deformed children in Iraq and Afghanistan might disagree with the justification, however.
You only have to search to find out which US and British oil companies are safely operating in Iraq. This “democratic,” “liberal media bias,” network, MSNBC was owned by a top weapons manufacturer, don’t forget the GE engines in the war planes, drones and cruise missiles. In a future blog I will delve into the team at MSNBC—stay tuned.
I once phoned into the Thom Hartmann show and asked, “The Number One Progressive Talk Show” host why he didn’t support Kucinich more? And he had no real good answer that I can recall. You can’t press too hard because Thom hates to debate true progressives because they expose his soft careerist underbelly. I remember other folks calling in, one asking Thom why he threw Kucinich under the bus, Thom huffed, “I didn’t.” Click.
So this round the democratic establishment, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was but a single element in the collusion to oust Bernie and get their Goldman Sachs/ JP Morgan approved gal into office. She would repay the generosity shown by domestic billionaires and foreign sheiks who donated handsomely to the Clinton Foundation for favors to be called in on the new president, favors to be named later.
So Kennedy resisted and was shot, Nader was shot down, Kucinich shot down, Bernie shot down, and the wonderful woman Jill Stein was relegated to persona non grata because listening to her back-to-back with Hillary Clinton would quickly reveal to the public why smart, humble people are much better choices to run the country’s business to the benefit of more people.
The republicans had no say in forming team democrat, the Democratic team owners chose Hillary and un-chose with great persecution the gentlemanly Bernie Sanders, Lady Stein, Congressmen Kucinich and Ralph-Too-Fast-Nader, so no wonder they lost and will continue to lose, by comparison even Krusty the Clown looked less corrupt than Hillary and the Democratic Party is neither conservative nor progressive, they are the elite liberals whose good words but policies of procrastination continue to paper cut the working class to death, and we’re not even sure how to pay for that.
Watching some of my favorite night comedians become pathetic Hillary shills these last week made me really interested in how they would handle the reality of Trump is president? I’m talking about virtually every democratic pundit or comedian, none accepted their rejection of Bernie to be the problem. All of the comedians urged Bernie to move on, give it up, take your goofy hair and bow out so the Queen can be anointed, yet even now, they take no blame, so next session, the democrats will more than likely try to push another bankster/military industrial Neocon, neoliberal to be our progressive representative. Sorry, not happening this time not happening next time. That’s the message the Democratic Party needs to listen to. Start being truly progressive.
Lee is an author who lives with his wife and near his children and grandchildren in the Pacific Northwest, draws substance from a rather unique chapter in his lifestyle, raising a family in a remote wilderness valley in north central British Columbia. ( Find Out More >>
carlbradleyherman says
Thanks, Lee. We’ll keep pointing to the facts in good-faith effort, Carl
Jim Landon says
Great insight, Lee.
I had never thought of this as Team Republican vs Team Democrat.. but I do see this now. The loudest supporters seem to heighten their competitive nature while blatantly turning away from their morals. I am disgusted by these people’s willingness in support of cruelty, sexism and racism,… all on some ill-advised notion that this country will be made great again. But at what expense?
It’s as if this sense of competing outweighs reality. Check out this article and news report.
Lee Anderson says
Thanks for Carl and Jim, keep tuned in, I’ll welcome comments on next post.
Lee Anderson says
This is a response from Ohio Congressmen and 2008 Democratic Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich, responding via email to the above blog. I’m proud to post it.
Dear Lee, I read your blog. Excellent. I was thinking about your writings concerning the unified field theory and the interconnectedness of all, and juxtaposing it with partisan thinking, more representative of chaos theory (except in this case no internal consistency, no order, only glad hands full of bribes.
Political parties promote dichotomous thinking and possess the philosophical heft of a bumper sticker, without truly defining major differences, a lovely strategy of ingratiation to the same contributors. It is axiomatic, political money to both parties, which comes from the same sources, produces the same policies in both Democratic and Republican parties.
This system cannot sustain itself. It is disintegrating.
On a happy note, I have spent a great deal of time in the Pacific Northwest, including in British Columbia. One of the most beautiful places on the planet.
Thanks for the kind missive and for contacting me.
Best wishes, Dennis.