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013 Election Day Prediction: The Aristocracy Wins Again, the People Lose Again
A Nation Divided Cannot Stand
Tuesday’s election, with the exception of a few global banksters, oil tycoons, the entire military industrial war for profit complex, the mendacious media, Wall Street parasites, big pharma drug pushers and health insurance parasites, will be viewed by the majority of the public as another episode of getting screwed over by the system once again no matter which megalomaniac candidate wins or steals the election, depending on your point of view, or depending on real facts that we may never know.
What we do know is if Hillary Clinton wins, some democrats will feel some relief knowing The Donald will not be president, but will still be depressed knowing they voted for such an obvious Neocon, warmongering, regime-changing global elitist pawn. If Trump wins, his fans will be happy to know Hillary and the Clinton Royalty will not get a third term in the Whitehouse, but they still have to admit to supporting Krusty the Clown for president, and nobody can predict what Trump will do with that kind of power, how much more will his ego swell? Trump is a big question mark and we already know his supporting cast of Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani are shades of the Sopranos, while Mike Pence could double as the Grand Inquisitor, Torquemada for his Medieval approach to women’s reproductive issues.
There is no hiding the fact that few working class people, even those holding their noses and voting, are not very thrilled about even their own favorite choice—this election is about fear of the opposing candidate, not about voting for a smart, courageous, altruistic candidate that puts hard working Americans first, those candidates don’t corrupt easy so they are ignored and passed over by the media’s screening process.
It’s amazing watching some of my favorite late night comedians absolutely freaking out over the prospect of Trump winning. These are many of the same comedian/pundits who knowingly helped throw the Bernie Sanders candidacy and popular movement under the proverbial political/media bus, and who now urge us to vote democratic because the republicans are stupid and evil. The DLC democrats who rigged the primaries against Bernie and the media, refusing to give fair coverage to Jill Stein and Gary Johnson, are now defending the election system from charges by the Trump camp that the system is rigged—yes it is rigged, of, by and for the global financial, war-loving elite.
The entire system i.e., election, political, taxation, media is rigged and always has been, at least since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, when the banksters were successful in getting Woodrow Wilson to sign the Federal Reserve Act, giving sole responsibility for issuing and dispensing OUR money to private banksters. Wilson later lamented selling out his country.
I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world — no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.
That was the real coup d’état, and we have been living with the results ever since. The chaos this system produces was clearly seen in 2008 when the banksters crashed the economy, forced millions of people to lose their homes and savings, while paying themselves huge multimillion dollar bonuses—who knows how many trillions are squirreled away in Swiss bank accounts?—while not a single bankster went to jail. This is because the banksters make the rules, and pass those rules down to the politicians they own giving the whole charade a wavering smokescreen of legitimacy.
But all of this is corruption is predictable in a materialistic society, a society that values money, power, greed, self-obsession and popularity over honesty and hard work. The real story of this deplorable election cycle is the absolute failure of the people to understand their obligation to act as the fifth pillar of checks and balances in this Constitutional Federal Republic. Most of us know the founders of our country and authors of the Constitution set up a three-pillar government system where all three branches, Executive: President, Legislative: Congress, and Judicial: Supreme Court are separate but equal in power, as a means to check unwarranted and unwanted concentration of power that may lead to corruption and abuse of the individual citizen’s rights and God given freedoms. But we all know how easily it is to corrupt individuals in these government sectors mainly because these are positions of power and influence, and are therefore attractive to ego-dominated personalities, i.e., materialistic people who value material things and the respect they receive from the dullards and sycophants, the very type of personalities attracted to politics.
What too many people don’t seem to understand is that democracy is not an entitlement, the democracy we have enjoyed, the democracy that for a long time was the envy of the world, is being vaporized by corporate greed and ever expanding militaristic global imperialism. Terrorism is a by-product of regime change and destabilization, terrorism is then used as justification for diminishing our Constitutionally granted rights to privacy and undue search and seizure, tell that to the NSA.
The people were all in for Bernie, but the media wasn’t on board, Bernie would not be a good choice to wage war with Russia and China, which seemingly is the plan for either Hillary or the Donald. But Bernie rightfully told Hillary and the audience in the primaries in every poll where they compare him to Trump, Bernie comes out way ahead, Hillary not much. Yet, the democratic pundits and Late Night jesters were quick to browbeat Bernie into capitulating to the Hillary Clinton juggernaut and Debbie Wasserman Shultz’s rigging of the primaries proves Trump right, the election process is rigged.
So I am voting for Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka. Stein is very smart, articulate and will bring world peace by rechanneling our seemingly bottomless war spending toward domestic needs, green energies and would make social security secure so elderly folks can live out their lives with dignity.
Of course we’ve all heard the canard, a vote for Jill Stein is a vote for Trump, or a vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Hillary. Let’s get something straight, a vote for Jill Stein is a vote for Jill Stein. If Trump gets in then blame the people who voted for Trump and blame the media for throwing Bernie under the bus. If Hillary gets in blame the people who voted for Hillary, blame the media for shilling unabashedly for the Bilderberger Queen.
Just remember this if you are depressed and disappointed after Tuesday, neither of the tightly controlled duopoly parties will ever consider voting systems that allow and encourage more than two parties, for obvious reasons. Instant Runoff Voting allows you to vote for your favorite candidate without undermining your second best choice. For example, if you choose Stein, and she doesn’t get in—and she won’t—then your vote goes to your second choice. The same could work for republicans, if Johnson doesn’t win—and he won’t—then your vote transfers to your second choice. This system is used in some states and countries, but not here, because the banksters and their mendacious media won’t allow it because they won’t be able to control the outcome as easily as they can now.
But when you feel you have no choice but to vote for one or the other of the duopoly candidates, you are really voting for the very system that oppresses you, a system that will never allow Instant Runoff Voting, a system that will assuredly march us toward ever more dangerous wars of aggression. A vote for Hillary or Donald is a vote for war.
Lee is an author who lives with his wife and near his children and grandchildren in the Pacific Northwest, draws substance from a rather unique chapter in his lifestyle, raising a family in a remote wilderness valley in north central British Columbia. ( Find Out More >>
Morgan Harmon says
Thank you for your insight. I am 26 years of age and do not believe anything unless I have concrete evidence, or have legitimately researched a topic. I thoroughly enjoy the way you break things down. I can tell you think for yourself and seem to be what I consider to be “real people”.
Lee says
Thank you
Lee Anderson says
Extremely kinds words, sir, thank you.